Lloyd: Meanwhile...

“You sure you should be doing that?” Father Zanthus asked as he walked into the cathedral’s rear gardens. He was asking the young half-elf which was now doing sword drills under the morning sun.

“Your wounds have just have healed.” The old priest continues. The priest motioned towards the bandages the half-elf had in his midsection and was now also getting soaked with sweat.

Lloyd continued doing his kata and didn’t reply to the old man until his routine was finished. He then after grabbed his shirt from one of the postand walks up to the priest. “I’m fine Father. Thanks to you and your prayers have more than healed by wounds.”

The old priest nods and offers the young lad a glass of water which the latter appreciatively takes.

“That is good to hear. I fear our town is headed for some dark times and we would our militia to be in functioning order. More so with the Belor off to Magrimar...”

“The Sheriff’s gone?” The half-elf asked confusion evident on his face. “Why wasn’t I told?”

The priest looks back at the young man reflecting the confusion. “I thought you were told. I would have assumed your friends would have told you before they went off to the glasswork looking for Ameiko...”

“Ameiko’s also gone?" Lloyd asked, getting more confused.

"Why yes." The old priest answers. "Bethana came to me saying she wasn't home last night..."

"By Avandra’s luck!” Lloyd cursed before he realizes who he is talking to. “I’m sorry Father. I have to get to the Garrison and follow my 'friends' at the glassworks.”