Guillaume: Against the Goblins, Round 02

i signaled back at kythan that it was an honest mistake. but his face became even more grim with suspicion. i must admit that it did look a little too suspicious and worse because i was too senstive seeing those familiar faces on those corpses i missed. i wonder if corellon will give me another chance to prove my worth.

suddenly i found myself choking and my eyes burned. the cloud had that familiar characteristic. it was poison. goblin poison. i searched hastily the chamber for any sign of a goblin shaman until i came around face to face with one from behind. "it's behind us!" i managed to yelp to warn everyone. it was guarded with two goblin warriors. one of them had made it right at the doorstep. all three displayed proudly a sharp teeth filled smile of satisfaction.

"quick, barricade the door!" gryffin urged. he was in the middle of shutting the door leaving the newcomers behind it.

without a thought or another word. i pulled and pushed at the nearest table and it fell with its top side against the door sealing it for the time being. "that was quick thinking brother. it will buy us some time" i complemented the wizard. although he was eladrin in appearance, something about him was not quite eladrinique. a lack of grace in his mannerisms. not too mention his thick accent. it was more dwarfish i should say. strange fellow.

i was out of breath from moving the table. it almost took all my energy. my arms felt sore. "i must attend to our friend". i managed to speak.

i grabbed my holy symbol and began chanting. "may corellon's light break forth like the dawn. be healed of your wounds brother jarek."

::cast healing word::


Gryffin said...

They're all clustered together..doesn't anybody els have an area attack?

rmacapobre said...

arao has dragonbreath. guy has divine glow.