Kythan: Against the Goblins, Round 05

By Kyonin! He’s at it again! Doesn’t he realize that they’re facing a more combat savvy opponent that he is? This assignment just became more difficult.

"Dauphin! Eisi o vaelia seil sai kaer osaer colaer?!" Kythan shouted as he sees the cleric try to flank the half-elf.*

The eladrin’s visage grew grim as he considered the actions he has to take. He made his way around the stone table. Tsuto takes advantage of this and swings a fist at the enforcer. Kythan, however, expects this and waves a hand at Tsuto. The half-elf's attack is met by some invisible force which prevents him from actually reaching the enforcer's body.

Having circled around, the enforcer then brings down his flaming sword at Tsuto, catching him at the shoulder creating a deep gash. This in turn earns a growl of antagonism from the half-elf. The eladrin then manages to use that opening to interpose his body between that of the cleric and the half-elf.

“Sor air os jhar shasol, Dauphin!” The enforcer shouts. “Ai shor byr kai shas si tylor eil saer saes sar Ai eilyrdaer o sai shi colaer shia os orn medodoria. Ais o poryrdi ti eindral, o mar pai shia tia shadi."**

“That’s goes for you too dragonborn.” Kythan yells at Arao. “This is my fight. Do not intrude.”

Kythan then raises his sword at Tsuto and with his other hand palms wide open in some sort of arcane gesture.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Translated from elvish

* Dauphin! Are you really trying to get yourself killed?!

** This is your last warning Dauphin I will not go back the council and tell them that I allowed you to be killed by your own stupidity. If you disobey me again, you shall die by my blade.

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Tsuto's Opportunity Attack roll

Attack roll vs Kythan
1d20+5 → [9,5] = (14) vs 20, miss

Kythan's Greenflame Blade Attack roll

Attack roll vs Tsuto
1d20+8+1 → [9,8,1] = (18) vs 18, hit

Damage roll
1d8+7 → [4,7] = (11)