Jarek: Against the Goblins, Surprise Round

As Arao barked out orders for the coming attack, I glanced over Gryffin and made a face. 'So much for his plans to scout the other rooms," I muttered in a sarcastic tone. 'I told you we should have charged in a while ago.'"

Gryffin ignored my last comment. The eladrin wizard's eyes looked away, as if he was lost in thought. He took a deep breath and muttered something beneath his breath. For the looks on his face, I'm guessing he was preparing some powerful fae magic."

"Ranger”, Arao called me like a master calling his slave. "Throw open the door with all your might, and clear a path for us. Remember to take out the half-elf leader when you have a clear shot.'"

I wanted to turn around and hit the paladin in his face, but then I took a deep breath and bit my tongue. Rather than focus my rage on the lizard man, I decided to turn it towards the goblins."

I gave a hoarse yell as I kicked open the door. The nearby goblins gave a startled yelp. They tried to reach for their swords but it was too late. Drawing out my bow and arrow, I charged into the room. I looked at two nearest goblins and took aim.

“Goodbye goblin scums,” I muttered as I released the arrows. Both fell down dead, each with an arrow buried in its chest.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Jarek's twin strike rolls

Attack Rolls
1d20+6 → [12,6] = (18) vs 16, hit
1d20+6 → [12,6] = (18) vs 16, hit

Damage Rolls
1d8+1 → [1,2] = (2)
1d8+1 → [2,1] = (3)

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Jarek's additional damage from his bracers only work for his basic range attacks.

His twin strike power is not considered to be a basic range attack.