Jarek: Against the Goblins, Round 02

There was something strangely familiar with the goblin leader. I caught sight of the half elf as soon as Gryffin blasted our opponent into bits of goblin flesh. The half-elf gave a snarl as he struggled to resist the eladrin's enchantment. I saw the man's face, his clipped mouth and broken nose.

"Tsuto!" I muttered in disbelief. The man has finally gone insane! If there was someone more dispised ove me in Sandpoint, then it would have to be the half elf.

I remembered Tsuto as one of those badly treated by the Sheriff and town elders. He was one of Shalelu's prized pupil, his skill with the bow was unmatched by anyone in town. I don't really know why he was treated as an outcast, I heard he had some misunderstanding with Master Kaijitsu and was sent to away to the Turandarok Academy to be raised outside the Kaijitsu family.

Lloyd once told me that he caught Tsuto stalking Ven's daughter. "I won't be surprise if that guy would go ballistic one day and start killing everyone in town." Lloyd's words sounded like an ominous prophecy.

"Duun ar! Daan agaan rhaac akhan!" The half-elf shouted in a strange language. He called the nearby golbins and pointed over my direction. "Nuunraanr shagaan! Tekaar shuukaakakhaan dhegaan oc daan molkac! Dar daan maagaar ac daach mel duun huulaal duun daan kaar!"

It seemed that Tsuto remembered me. He often bullied me, Gryffin and Lloyd back when we were younger. There was a manic gleam in the half-elf's eyes, a look of anger and sorrow mixed together. For a moment I felt sorry for him, for the boy who lost everything and was pushed to the edge.

Tsuto gave me a mocking smirk and raised his own bow. He fired two arrows towards my direction. One of the missiles whistled across the air and struck my leg. The other one grazed my cheek.

Damn it, I muttered as the arrow ripped through flesh. Tsuto was the best in archery. He could have killed me if it weren't for Gryffin's magic slowing him down.

As I struggled to remove the arrows, one of the goblins charged towards me. He swung his blade over my direction, cutting a deep gash over my other leg. I rolled over from the pain.

Two more goblins loomed over me, hurling pots of burning fire. I struggled to move away, but my legs were torn and bleeding.

I felt the pots shattered on my chest, burning through my leather hide, scarring my neck and arms. I screamed in pain as the molten glass burned through my shirt and skin. The fire was spreading over my waist and back.


Despite the pain, I quickly rolled away from my attackers. The goblins were busy cheering and jumping to noticed that I slipped away. I struggled to move away, but the burning pain was too much. Everything was red and hot, as if my own blood was burning through my flesh.

"Calm yourself," a familiar voice boomed. The words cut through the burning agony, soothing my soul and calming my nerves. "I call upon the power of Pelor to heal this man."

I felt Arao's thick and large claws resting on my back. The paladin's hand felt cold, like rain shower falling over my body. Pelor's power flowed through the holy warrior and slowly knitted the cuts on my legs.

As my senses slowly returned to normal, I felt the fire still burning on my clothes.

"You can help me put out the fire," I shouted at the dragon born.

But the paladin was no where to be seen. A magical cloud has covered the room, engulfing everyone in a thick dark smoke. I slowly crawled away, struggling to remove piece of burning garments from me.