Jarek: Final Room

Since Tsuto's arrest, the glasswork factory became off limits to everyone. Lloyd ordered the town's few remaining soldiers to clean up the building. It was a daunting task for the six remaining warriors. Ever since the Sheriff left with his retinue of warriors, the remaining milita had to work double shifts. Now they had to collect the dead bodies and clean up Lonjiku's office as well.

I slipped out the sheriff's office unnoticed. Thanks to Shalelu's training, I managed to walk out of the building without drawing much attention. Most of the townsfolk were outside, waiting for an official annoucement about the latest tragedy. The guards wanted me to make a statement, but I refused. Let Lloyd talk to the people, I told them. He's much suited for that job.

Two guards greeted me as I returned to the glasswork factory. I asked them if Lloyd and the others had left. They shook their heads, saying that the dragon-born paladin is still exploring the building's basement.

"Nice bow," one of the guards muttered. He pointed over Tsuto's weapon, which was slung behind my back. "It matches the color of your tunic."

"What do you mean?"

The other guard grinned, shaking his head.

I held out the weapon and noticed, for the first time, how it looked. The bow was made of fine rosewood and ivory, varnished with a shade of floral pink. Several star flower cravings were delicately etched on the weapon, making it look like a child's toy.

"This isn't mine," I replied. "I just borrowed it, from somone... Till I fix my own bow."

"Yeah," the guards exclaimed, unconvinced. "Right."

I felt my eyebrow frowing again. "Aren't you supposed to be busy doing something?"

"Sorry sir," the other guard quickly apologized. "Lloyd and the others are waiting for you down the basement."

I shook my head and entered the factory just as the dragonborn and the eladrins were heading back out.