Kythan: The Arrest, Round 01

With the sudden appearance of the dragonborn and noticing the other figure in hiding by the tombstones, Kythan makes a sudden grab of one of Guy’s arms and presses it against the other eladrin’s back and with his other hand, presses his longsword against the cleric’s exposed neck – the sharp blade already biting thru skin and drawing a think streak of blood.

“Ai myr cali cyrn shaeraes sal sai ser ei tostolar jhoji o! Oli shae os eilyraes, o’si tystol shor ti. Pyl’r aelael sol os thi maedol. Ai’r moli os syr eir myl eir Ai maeli o seil sai. Shi’si caedol or os si taestaeraesia. Taji mesi os thol pyl’r thylyrn iar.”*

Drawing Guy’s body close to him, Kythan slowly makes his way towards the cemetery gates; making sure to use his hostage as cover from his perceived attackers.

* * *

my head continues to spin. i paused to get my bearing.

"ouch!" i felt a sharp push behind me. it was kythan's sword prodding me to hurry. and then out of nowhere, i hear a friendly voice. it was the dragonborn. kythan instantaneously held me hostage. i was too dizzy to counter react. a part of me was glad to see a friendly face. and the other part wished that arao could have been a little more discreet in his approach.

"wait, you misunderstand" i pleaded. i felt the sword bite against my neck. i spoke in common now so that arao will understand. "these are my friends from the town. we are investigating a grave robbery. this graveyard has been desecrated by goblins in recent past. and the vile creatures stole a friend's corpse. please. you must have seen them (the goblins) there were all over the town"

"ai torelaesal byrol" kythan retorted back as he moved further towards the cemetery gates. his anger has taken hold of him. "o toraji ti thys ei thyr" he dragged me a step back. "os thol shyl mali o byrn sarys."**

"i am no traitor. you must see that i answer to a higher calling. a higher power. i follow only corellon - father of all feys. i left golarion because i was not free to worship there. i had no choice but to leave. surely, i serve the queen and country more via my devoted service to it's patron deity"

* * *

Bylaeli!” The enforcer cursed.***

“You! Dragonborn!” Kythan shouts, momentarily pointing his sword towards Arao and switching to common his tongue though still thick with the elvish accent. “You shall step away from us and let us leave this place and there shall be no further bloodshed. I have no interests in harming you. So tell your companion to stay his hand and just allow me to deliver this fugitive to court.”


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Grab rolls

Roll to grab:
1d20+3 → [9,3] = (12) vs 12, grabbed & immobilized

Roll to move:
1d20+3 → [9,3] = (12) vs 11, moved

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Translated from elvish:

* "I should have known better than to trust a criminal like you! One way or another, you’re coming with me. Don’t even think of fey stepping. I’ll slice your throat as soon as I sense you trying to. We’re heading out of the cemetery. Make sure your friends don’t follow us."

** "i misunderstand nothing." " you mistake me for a fool" "your friends wont save you now traitor."

*** "Nonsense!"

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Next action - Gryffin

Gryffin said...

blink blink...whAt's happenning?

Gryffin said...

Gryffin Feysteps to 6c
casts Thunderwave: 7b to 8a

...and misses =p

1d20+3 → [7,3] = (10)