Guillaume: Die Dog Die, Round 01

i was now wearing my proper armor and robes. i have kept the borrowed longsword in my quarters and brought my own longsword instead. i intend to return it as soon as possible. but for now, the goblins await. i felt much at home wearing the traditional garb of silver circlets and gossamer robes of brightest azure.

i joined the companions later and found an unlucky chap amidst more of the infernal goblins and a giant dog.

the goblin shot his crossbow with precision despite the remarkable distance between them and us. my companions stood their ground. especially arao who just drew blood seemed unfazed. all their faces glowed with concrete defiance. i wonder what my companions would read from my face. i hope they would not see the fear that has been building itself inside me. i am having doubts. there is just too many of them. it has become more and more difficult each time. i have kept notice of how much of the town is now burning. perhaps this is time for me to leave and go back to the feywild.

i focused my eyes on that poor noble man who did look familiar. i think i remember him talking with father zanthus on several occasions. he may even have been responsible for huge contributions to the building of the temples dedicated to the gods of light. including corellon. i immediately felt shame for having doubts. of having thoughts of retreat. corellon will protect me and all those who seek his protection.

i cautiously moved closer to work corellon's magic. i left the safety of the companions and moved forward. my chin held up high to demonstrate that i was no longer afraid. i grew bolder with each step. i unsheathed my long sword and continued my prayer.

-- hei corellon seigneur shar-shelevu .. (lord corellon, presever of the life, by your grace grant this man refuge)

::healing word on the nobleman::

i stopped as soon as i reached the perimeter from where i could work corellon's magic. and braced myself for inevitable retaliation.


rmacapobre said...

umabot yung healing word?

Healing Word Cleric Feature
You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target,helping to mend its wounds.

Minor Action Close burst 5

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

umabot yung healing word?

OOC: yup. i followed your offline instructions and placed Guy just at the edge of where he could reach Foxglove with the healing word spell. You may have noticed that he isn't bloodied anymore (though i should have placed it too in the entry - next time).