Arao; Die Dog Die; Epilogue

During the quiet lull that followed, I sat in a lotus position in front of the altar of Pelor, reflecting on the events that transpired today. Meditating fervently, I asked Pelor for the grace to learn from my first battle experience, and have more power and skill to overcome the mistakes of the past.

The prayer circle suddenly shone brilliantly, its sun-designed rune carvings shooting forth pillars of light that encased me inside. I felt the benevolent spirit of my god and was suffused by his power. An angel came down and blessed me, and I heard the heavenly melody of victory reserved for heroes.

The voice of Pelor echoed in my mind. You have asked for wisdom and you shall receive. You will be given a new power as well, to aid you in the tribulations that lie ahead.

My mind, body and spirit were renewed and strengthened with my communion with Pelor. As the light subsided, I thanked Him for providing his humble follower the strength to serve and protect.


Chris Fox said...

level up! loot 1 flaming axe and 100 gp.
1) gain utility power: Sacred Circle
2) retrain daily power from: On Pain of Death, to: Radiant Delirium
3) buy a plate mail w/ the 100 gp
4) buy a potion of healing w/ remainder of money
5) recalculate stats, hp, attack and defense modifiers.

Chris Fox said...

@dm: i sent the my char sheet 2 u via hotmail. there is something i forgot with the equips. add 12 cost to the equips list because i sold my current battleaxe (i have new flaming axe). that means my money left is 21 gp.