Guillaume: Into the Graveyard

Guillaume made his way slowly into the graveyard which was set in the shadow of the Sandpoint Cathedral and accessible via a gate to the north or from several doors leading into the cathedral itself, this expansive cemetery overlooks the Turandarok River. Stone vaults owned by affluent members of the town stand near the cemetery’s edges or at its center, while dozens of humble plots, each marked with a simple gravestone, sit amid trees and shrubberies.

Thankful for his fey eyesight which allowed him to make out the rubble in the dim light, the eladrin made his way towards the grave, careful not to call the notice of Naffer Vosk, the man Father Tobyn hired to take care of the graveyard a decade ago.

The plot was located not far from the town’s north wall. It was obvious, even to the cleric’s untrained eye, that the ground was recently disturbed as fresh earth covered the area. Probably Father Zanthus and Sherriff Belor’s doing, but they weren’t able to erase the numerous goblin tracks which littered the area. Guillaume managed to follow the tracks back to the wall where a ladder was still propped up – probably the same one used by the intruders to go in and out of the cemetery. Not daring to follow the tracks out of town alone, the eladrin went back to the plot.

Guillaume couldn’t help but think back to the day Father Tobyn died. He was fairly new to Sandpoint then, just a couple of months. Being a new comer, he lived near the church and he was one of the first on the scene, beaten back by the intense flames. It was a horrendous fire that leveled a large part of the northern section of town, although it is now known to have started in the priest's home. There was little of that structure left, and, in fact, only a few badly charred bones were recovered from the church.

What saddened the eladrin most was that the living quarters of the church were so completely obliterated by the incessant flames that they never found enough of his daughter to even properly bless her remains. She was buried beside her father, of course, for it is vital to consecrate the dead, but her coffin was filled with ash from the scene (as was her father's coffin, along with his bones).

Talk was his wife had died years before. She had been a woman consumed by depression, and had been found at the foot of the cliffs one morning, when her child was still just a baby. It was quite a horrible end to a very sad family tale, and the cleric knew that Father Tobias had not had an easy life, bringing up his daughter on his own.

A noise startled Guillaume out of his revelry and was just as surprised when something hit him from behind sending him sprawling down on the fresh earth that was Father Tobyn’s grave. Looking up he sees a figure silhouetted by the moon. The figure looked liked an armored humanoid, and elf or eladrin by the points of its ears and by the glow of its eyes. It was however the sword that was pointed as his chest that drew the most of the cleric’s attention.

"Pyl's aelael sol os velol Guillaurme os Dauphin. Ai eis Kythan Dayereth, aelysaes os si Tylor os Kyonin. Ai eis caesi sai eisaer o thys si tosti os saeryl sai si Vaedi eil sai si Cel Telandia Edasseril, si Viridian Tyrn."

(Translated from elvish: Don’t even think of running Guillarme Dauphin. I am Kythan Dayereth, enforcer of the Council of Kyonin. I am here to arrest you for the crime of treason to the People and to the Queen Telandia Edasseril, the Viridian Crown)


Chris Fox said...

great. and u just had to go into harm's way. bye-bye guy, it was nice knowing you... /gg

rmacapobre said...
