Arao: Die Dog Die, Round 03

I watched in abject horror as the goblin fighter's burning axe tore through our warlord's defense, injuring him severely. Righteous anger welled up within me as I witnessed the goblin howling bloodlust celebration over the body of my fallen comrade.

Lessons from my indoctrination flooded my mind. Protect the weak. Defend the helpless. Uphold the light. For all the goodly folk.

With renewed purpose, I steely gripped my battleaxe and steadfastly strode forward. The monster raised its bloodied weapon high above its head, intent on delivering the final blow to the fallen warlord, but my Divine Challenge caught it just in time.

"By the divine light of Pelor, your evil deeds end here and now, foul beast." The goblin slowly turned around, compelled by the magic of my Challenge to face me. It bellowed a guttural and ferocious warcry as an acceptance.

Calm. I felt totally at calm as I channeled the divinity of Pelor for my attack. A blue flame aura engulfed me as the spiritual force of my god coursed through my veins. The goblin's warcry had subsided, replaced by a sudden bewilderment, and then primal fear, as if it felt that my power immensely increased beyond its feeble reckoning. My battleaxe was covered with a shimmering light, as bright as the rays of the sun, as I chanted the final words of my prayer.

"... Flare! Like the crimson dawn! Radiant Smite!" I intoned as I struck the goblin with every ounce of my strength. The goblin, blinded by the light, limbs frozen with fear, had no dodge, no defense, and no escape at all. Against the onslaught of my victorious attack, it crumpled lifeless to the ground, its body cleaved into two.

As my aura slowly flickered down, I beckoned to the cleric opposite me. "Medic! Please take care of our fallen comrade." Then I turned towards the alley to try and assess the situation there.


Chris Fox said...

Radiant Smite F11; Atk and Dmg

whew! there i think it's down. i hope it stays dead.

Gryffin said...

LOL! Nice writng Chris. =) That's the second dramatic boss death..and the day ain't even over. =p