Guillaume: The Arrest

"shar syl o mai jhyl (what took you so long)" i fell to my knees at the force of the blow. my head rang. and the world spun in every direction. i held the back of my neck as i stood up. slowly. i (tried to) gave a semblance of dignity as i face the newcomer. It was indeed an enforcer. I had little experience with them. Only stories often told to scare little children from misbehaving.

"Corellon, si tharaes os eir thaer, shaer o (Corellon, the Father of all feys, bless you)". I held out both of my hands in the open to signal that I am not planning to be hostile especially to a fellow eladrin.

The other eladrin seemed unconvinced and a raised eyebrow seemed to prove that. He kept the sword leveled at my heart though which is always not a good thing.

"Myr si saeros Guillaume os Dauphin, Ai eis caesi sai shol o shas sai si tylor os Kyonin sai eilaes thys os tostaer os eirdalylael os Si Vaedi. Ai tal shol o os os tysi shas sai Iridia ais Ai cali sai. Air air os tyli." (Stop the theatrics Guillaume Dauphin, I am here to bring you back to the council of Kyonin to answer for your crimes of abandonment of The People. I can bring you or your corpse back to Iridia if I have to. It is your choice.)

"You have come a long way from home dear brother. Surely you are in need of a night's rest. I beg that we put this serious business until tomorrow. You have my word, as a priest of Corellon, that I will not try to escape." Brief pause.

"I am in dire need of rest myself" I invite Kythan to my quarters.

The enforcer looked wary of my ivitation but a slight lowering of his balde proved that he is amicable to reason.

Vylaer! Kythan responded. Si shae shas sai si thysaer shor shi ei jhyl oli. Ai mar koli o aelyl sosti thys si Sali shaerysi shi kai eil thys o sai karaes os vaesylar shaelylol sher ais Ai mi eileirol merolor, eileirol eir eir, Ai mar shol sor shadi pyrn ol o eir shar myr cali shael pyli sai ei sarys jhoji o ei jhyl sosti eindrai.(Proceed! The way back to the forest will be a long one. I shall give you enough time for the Trance before we go and for you to gather your personal belongings but if I see anything suspicious, anything at all, I shall bring this blade down on you as what should have been done to a traitor like you a long time ago.)

"You have my word." I dejectedly answered as I picked myself up and proceeded back to the Cathedral with the enforcer following in my wake.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Other guys feel free to jump right in.

rmacapobre said...


Gryffin said...

LOL! I was just gonna suggest in what would all three of us jumping on the elf entail?

May rules ba for three people people tackling one guy?

Then again, they spoke in Eladrin, would Gryffin know how to speak that?

Chris Fox said...

eh? guy is a criminal? paladins don't associate w/ criminals u know. but then again, i need to ask myself the most important question for these kinds of situations: "WWMSD" (what would mr.scruffy do?"