Goblins: Goblin Pyros, Round 03

Five! Magic! Fire!

Amongst its kind, the goblin chanter was the most knowledgeable of things arcane and the ball of flame which appeared in front of it was something it easily recognized and knew about. It looked around for the caster of the spell and saw the new opponent.

The warchanter was about to cast a spell at the offending spellcaster but something else called its attention. Even from within the cloud, the goblin warchanter could feel the presence of someone or something calling it; challenging it. It looked and laughed as it saw the lizard man struggling to move towards it and that the hex it casted earlier started to take effect. The lizardman, however, was persistent as even thru the effects of the spell.

The goblin warchanter screeched as the lizard man raised a symbol and a ball of light shot towards it. The old goblin raised its own hex rod and tried to ward off the effects of the radiant ball but it seemed the lizardman’s power was greater that its own.

Its body was suddenly wracked in pain and fell to its knees as the radiant energy from the lizardman suffused it.

It looked around and started to re-evaluate its situation.

Whispering softly to itself, it began to start its way of escape.

Aka must flee. Must tell skullcrusher Gwag that we have been lied to. The pale skins are not as weak as promised.

The warchanter resisted the urge to outwardly attack the lizardman’s challenge and waved its rod once more, causing the vexing cloud to move again upon its command. The old goblin quickly followed in the cloud’s wake, leaving the remaining goblin to its own fate. It quickly stepped over the bodies of its fallen goblin allies and the pale skin they were able to take down in its effort to get to the rear of the store. From its point of view, this way was the less protected means of escape with only the spellcaster blocking it and freedom.

Confident with the cover provided by the cloud, the warchanter raised its rod to smite its opponent. The act in itself still brought pain thru the goblin’s body because of the energy the lizardman’s power. Even thru it though the goblin managed to hit the pointy eared pale skin and hoped it was enough to distract it and enable it to escape.


Chris Fox said...

grabeh +18 dmg buhay pa rin. ang lusog nmn ng matandang yan. pero mukhang tataob na.

guy, tapusin mo na! kaunting tiis na lang, magle-level na tau!!! yehey!

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

Warchanter Rolls:

Attack roll: 1d20+7;5 → [9,7] = (16) vs 14, hit

Saving throw: 1d20 → [17] = (17) vs 10, success

Chris Fox said...

umm, the warchanter is stepping on lloyd's corpse, isn't it?

Gryffin said...

Um, honga..so Loyd isn't considered to be occupying a space ba?

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Well, technically Lloyd is out of the fight. He'll probably push the goblin off his square IF he regains consciousness.

Chris Fox said...

Um, honga..so Loyd isn't considered to be occupying a space ba?

wow, lloyd has now become a matter-space anomaly. cool!

super lloyd: "bending matter and space, one square at a time!" /rofl

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: He he. ok, checked the books. It's like this. Lloyd is dying which considers him to be unconscious. Being unconscious, he is thereafter considered to be helpless and prone. Enemies can move thru a square occupied by an enemy if that enemy is helpless.

When the said prone character can is supposed to stand up on the same square which is now occupied, the charater can shift 1 square in order to stand up. If there are no free squares to do so, he remains prone.