DM: Ancient Prison

The door swings open with a rusty creak to reveal a large chamber, only partially visible in the darkness. It was obviously once a prison, as testified by the faint shape of nearly two dozen cells that line the room's perimeter. A rickety wooden platform overlooks the room, with two flights of ancient wooden stairs descending to the prison floor ten feet below. A five foot wide wooden walkway runs from the northern edge of the platform to a passageway to the east.

The noise of the door as it swings open away from you raises the attention of two Sinspawn on the platform who appear to have been squabbling over a collection of skulls, tearing and biting at each other in the fraction of a second before they become aware of your presence. Then they bound towards you, splitting up and making their strange leaping runs towards the stairs, splitting to take each side.

They are moving towards you. As they do, one lets out an inhuman shirek which is then answered by a shuffling movement from below the wooden stairs. You can barely see skeletons forming up from he rubble of the prison floor.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Initiative Rolls

16 Arao
14 Jarek
12 Sin spawns
11 Skeletons
9 Gryffin
3 Lloyd
3 Guy