Rhonnadel: Evening of Day Four

No matter how hard I try to forget about the past, it keeps haunting me. I don't blame Aunt Mathel for protecting me from all the things that happened before. She's done a better job raising me than my parents ever had.

There are a lot of things happening in Sandpoint right now. And there will be a lot more dreadful events looming in the near future. The stars have spoken.

I walk down the stairs, all pack up and ready to leave. Aunt Mathel is standing at the door, looking tired and defeated.

The recent goblin attacks and the incident at the glasswork factory has shaken everyone. Aunt Mathel is try to act strong for me, but deep down she is suffering.

"I have to leave for now," I say diplomatically. "The town needs my help."

Silently she nods, holdling back her tears like a proud matron.

I want to reassure her, tell her that I'll be safe. But I didn't. She's too proud to show off her feelings, too much like a Crane. May the stars be kind to her.


The White Deer Inn looks inviting. It's been a while since I visited any of the local hangouts in town. People still give me the strange look as I walk by. The older folks would whisper amongst themselves, silently wishing that I'd go away. I don't blame them for what happened and I knew the consequences of what we did.

I opened the door and stepped it. The lobby still looked the same. I still smell the faint musky scent of roasted boars and fermented beer.

Several locals look up as I walk towards the dining area. I see a couple of familiar face at the end of the room, eating their food in silence.

"Lloyd!" I wave at the young half-elf. "It's been a while."

Lloyd smiles and offers me at seat. "Guys, I like you to meet Rhonnadel, an old friend of mine."

I smile as the young warlord introduce me to his friends. Like most people born under the sign of the Serpent Warrior, Lloyd exudes charm and confidence. I notice several people from the other table looking at the half elf with admiration.

"Rhonnna!" Gryffin exclaims. "I can't believe you're here!"

The slender eladrin gave me a warm hug before sitting down. "I miss going to places like this," I exclaim.

Both Lloyd and Gryffin quickly introduce me to their companions, a dragonborn knight of Pelor and a holy priest of Corellon.

The priest, another young eladrin, immediately look at me and ask, "so Lloyd tells me you might know something about demons."

I notice Gryffin kicking the priest under the table, telling him to shut up. "I had some experiences with evil creatures before," I answer.

"Thanks for agreeing to help us," Lloyd adds. "I know it must be difficult for you."