Arao: Evening of Day Four

Sehanine's eye was high in the sky when I started meditating in Pelor's alcove inside the temple. The day's events were heavy on my mind as I communed with my deity. The encounters inside the catacombs proved that my current level of power was not enough to fight the masterminds of these dastardly events.

"Oh Pelor my glorious god," I began my supplication. "Hear thy faithful's cry for aid, and grant him added power to oppose the coming darkness."

The room shimmered brightly while I prayed. I felt Pelor's divinity as I was infused with new-found power -- the ability to heal my comrades as I strike down my foes. The candles flickered and I was neatly surprised as I gained another benefit, my eyesight improved and I was now able to see clearly in the dim corners of the room.

"Praise be the grace of the Morning Sun," I intoned thankfully. "These new gifts will be used wisely against the darkness."


Chris Fox said...

levelup updates:
1) increased 6 hp. increased heal surge value.
2) gained lv3 encounter power: Invigorating Smite
3) changed feat: Pelor's Radiance to Dragonborn Senses