Lloyd: Ancient Prison, End Combat

Lloyd was tending to Guy's wounds when another explosion happened at the top of the platform sending anotehr barrage of bone shrapnels flying down the stairs. Most where little shards but were very sharp. They showered both the bodies of the half-elf and the fallen eladrin cleric beside him. A pretty large boneshard, the size of his arm struck deep unto his leg.

"Darn it, Arao! You trying to kill us?" Lloyd shouted as he cleared out most of the bone pieces from his body. He looked down at the cleric beside him and noticed that numerous wounds have once again appeared.

"Guy's bleeding again! I need to take him away and behind some cover before I can apply more first aid!" The half-elf warrior called out as he started putting back the bandages and prepared to carry off his fallen comrade.

Then the explosion happened and all turned dark.

* * *

Lloyd woke up with Guy looking down at him.

"What happened? Ouch!" The half-elf coughed out as he struggled to egt into a sitting position. His leg was now bandaged. It was still a bit stiff but he thinks he could walk with it.

"Wasn't I supposed to be the one applying the first aid?" Guy laughed.

"Hold still." The eladrin ordered. "We still have a few wounds to take care of."

The fighter nodded and allowed the cleric to continue on to continue on with his duties.

A few minutes later, Gryffin walked up to Lloyd.

"How are you doing?" The young eladrin wizard asked his friend.

"Been better." The guardsman answered as Guy declared that he was done with trating the wounds.

"What happened?" Lloyd asked.

Gryffin paused and looked around before answering.

"Jarek was able to shot off the remaining skeleton. It exploded as I warned everyone it would it. I guess he didn't hear me say it."

"I heard you." The half-elf mutedly answered. "And I was down stairs."

Lloyd looked around and saw his friend talking with the cleric and the paladin as to what they were to do next.

"Something's happened to him, Gryffin. I don't know what; but I feel we better watch over our friend a bit more closely or we're gonna lose him."