Lloyd: Into the Jaws of Darkness, Round 04


Though still pissed at Guy, Lloyd sees the remaining Sinspawn take a bite at the dragonborn. The half-elf shouts at the eladrin to give aid to the paladin. Lloyd swings back his weapon and manages to score a hit. He as the same time pushes at the creature with his shield. The Sinspawn gives way and falls back. Lloyd then takes the opportunity to step in between the aberration and Arao as the dragonborn tries to recover fro the bite.

[IC post to follow]


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Lloyd's Tide of Iron roll

Attack roll vs Sinspawn
1d20+8+2 → [11,8,2] = (21) vs 21, hit

Damage roll
1d8+3 → [6,3] = (9) pushed