Lloyd: Goblin Pyros, Round 01

Lloyd hastily opens the store’s back door and runs inside in order to catch the surviving goblin before it could recover. The goblin, however, proves to be more agile than him and is able to move back and hurl something at him. Lloyd manages to raise a shield to block it but the bottle the goblin threw still hits true and splashing him with burning liquid.

Ignoring his burns, the half-elf runs towards the goblin and manages to hit a calculated blow with his sword. The warlord manages to position himself so that the goblin is exposed to an attack from his wizard companion. Lloyd only hopes Gryffin can take down the goblin before the goblin fire gets the better of him.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

Lloyd's warlord's favor rolls:

Attack roll: 1d20+6+2 → [10,6,2] = (18) vs 17, hit
Damage roll: 2d8+3 → [8,2,3] = (13)

Lloyd's saving throw: 1d20 → [3] = (3) vs 10, fail

Chris Fox said...

gaah buhay pa rin ??

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

PC Condition summary:

Gryffin 22 of 22 hps
Jarek 7 of 26 hps (bloodied and blinded)
Arao 29 of 29 hps
Lloyd 9 of 26 hps (bloodied and burning)
Guy 19 of 22 hps