Guillaume: Idle Chat

"fetch some warm water and some fresh linen for the wounded" i asked some young humans who i found hiding behind some wooden carts. towns people who obediently nodded in agreement. they scurried off to fetch and vanished behind the crowd.

i immediately tended to the wounded as soon as things had simmered down to a semblance of normality. as much normallity as we could get given the situation. i was touched and deeply grateful of father zanthus kindness. i have forgotten myself and he was kind to magically heal my wounds. my ceremonial robes is soaked in blood and filth. goblin blood smelt exactly how he imagined it would be. very bad. i need to change into cleaner clothes but watching the others i felt a bit guilty. i need to put others first before my needs.

i asked other towns folk present to put the corpses of the goblins in a heap with an expressed approval from father zanthus. i deemed the local watch might have need to make further investigations of the matter. this could not have been an accident. everything about it appeared orchestrated.

quite a few where bruised from getting trampled. other especially those who fought back against the goblins were magically cured. i approached each and everyone of them and introduced myself.

"peace be with you brother/sister. i call myself guy. i saw how you fought bravely today. i want to personally thank you for saving the people of this town from those goblins." idle chit chat follows.

where are the local magistrates? my thoughts immediately jumped to the sole goblin who had escaped. i informed zanthus of my suspicions of a diversion but zanthus could only nod in agreement.

"it is possible my son, but it seems our task isn't over yet" as he looks out further into town where still the cries of help and the sound of battle could be heard.


Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: I can allow Guy to go to the cathedral to get his gear but he'll be late in the next encounter...