Arao: Goblin Pyros, Round 02

Through the mist, I felt the pain of the stabbing cuts of the goblins' knives. Despite being unable to see clearly, i knew without a doubt that I was surrounded up front and on the sides. Peering back, I noticed the doorway was still unblocked, and a small pennant was fluttering in the wind.

Wind? A course of action formed in my mind. Holding my shield resolutely in front of me, I stepped back out the doorway. The ray of sunshine felt good, and a slight breeze blew the little tendrils of mist still sticking on my face. I took a deep breath of fresh air and was instantly rewarded with the clearing of my mind and sight. The sickly mist was gone!

Smiling, I thanked Pelor for the good fortune, and prayed for additional strength to vanquish my foes. Divine power coursed through me as I summoned forth the innate power of us dragonborn, Dragonbreath! With a mighty "Firaaah", I spewed fire into the house through the doorway. The dying shrieks of the crazed goblins confirmed that they were all caught in the blast.

In the silence afterwards, I thought to myself, "I hope the store owner would forgive me for burning their house down."


Chris Fox said...

Arao: SHIFT J3. MINOR: Channel Divinity: Divine Strength Paladin Feature. MINOR: Dragonbreath G2-I4.

Atk Roll

Dmg Roll

Gryffin said...

wow..dragonbreath is a minor action???

Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: We just realized that too. Chris is a bit pissed that he had to use up an action point to have Arao breathe the last time.

rmacapobre said...

nice move arao!