Guillaume: The Chapel Round 2

"He flees!" Rhonna screamed at the top of her voice.

"After him!!" Lloyd, Arao, and Griffyn all spoke in unison.

Tsuto runs as fast as he could. Once he exits the chapel’s main doors, he headed north. He sprints along a short corridor and into a medium sized room. Various alchemical devices, books and scrolls littered the room. Tsuto knew his way around the room but still had to be careful not to topple any of the instruments in fear of setting up an explosion or much worse.

The half-elf was almost into the room when a faint shimmering glow appeared in front of him and a figure started to materialize – it was the fey priest, Guillaume.

Guy stood blocking his escape. and with every defiance he could muster, he ordered Tsuto to go back.

"Return!" Guy's voice boomed that might have shattered glass. He looked down on Tsuto who seemed suddenly small and insignificant. An aura of immense power and greatness surrounded Guy as he points and commands Tsuto back thru the doors and into the Main Chapel where the rest of the party are waiting ...


rmacapobre said...

1d20+4+1+1 → [11,4,1,1] = (17)

1d20+4(wis)+1(item)+1(bless) command tsuto to return to the chapel