Guillaume: The Proposal

"then we must be compelled to work together" my voice was dry and calm. my hands were raised and closed to form fists joined together in unison. i chased away the violence in my mind and replaced it with the faces of those unfortunate victims including those of the goblins.

"there is no need for further bloodshed." i continued. my voice sincere and steady.

"it is revealed to us" i spoke aloud as if i had an audience before me, even beyond the forest. i spoke slowly and my voice trailed, letting each word sink in. "an infernal evil, beyond any of us could imagine and any of us could defeat alone, is at hand. the goblins (the goblin leader particularly) are being used to the harpies gain. but together, together we will triumph. let us make a pact. let us help each other defeat a common enemy".