guillaume: strange days at sandpoint

"father guillaume! father!"

"wha .. ?!" have i really awaken or am i still dreaming. i seem to rememeber vivid details of it. some happy memory of my childhood spent with my cunning cousins back home or was it about something else, some dark looming memory that ebbed gradually until nothing of it remained except the knowledge that i was dreaming. the steady pounding and murmurs of several voices behind my bedroom door continued.

i stood up from the bed and secured the knot to my robes before opening it. i squinted from the barrage of light that came in.
it was several of the peasants each holding out a lamp. familiar faces notably regulars to the service. they flooded the opening with their anxious faces. noone spoke. but instead, they all looked to me expectantly as if i knew the answers to everything.

i had enough to sense to hold out a finger to hush them to silence.

"not here" i whispered with tiny hint of a groan at the end. "several of the acolytes sleep here as well. i do not want to DISRUPT their night's rest" i pointed to the dark hall way to the right where indeed we could hear from behind a door at the far end, several of the acolytes snoring. guilt was something common amongst the clergy as a means to manipulate the laity into doing something we wanted. personally, i never liked the practice. it seemed underhanded. but tonight i felt compelled.

i lead them out to the grand marble stairs outside the temple of corellon. i looked up to see the bright moon high up in the clear sky, the shadow mysteriously absent since early that afternoon.

"it must be midnight" i broke the silence of our little field trip. it must be very serious. these peasants would not bother me at this hour if it was not. i thought. the peasants stood quietly unsure if they were now permitted to talk.

"how can i help you?" becoming a little impatient

and in an instant i knew that my night's rest would have to wait and that these peasants for all their naivete had a torrent of strange happenings around town.

we require the council of the town elders for this - was all i could think of.