Character Creation Summary

Follow these steps to create your D&D character. You can take these out of order; for example, some people prefer to pick their powers last.

1. Choose Race

a. Dragonborn
b. Dwarf
c. Eladrin
d. Elf
e. Half-elf
f. Halfling
g. Human
h. Tiefling

2. Choose Class

a. Cleric
b. Fighter
c. Paladin
d. Ranger
e. Rogue
f. Warlock
g. Warlord
h. Wizard

3. Determine Ability Scores

a. Start with these scores: 8, 10, 10 ,10, 10, 10
b. You have 22 points to spend in improving them. Use the cost in the table on page 17 of the PHB.
c. Apply your racial adjustments after you determine your scores.

4. Choose Skills

The entry for your class tells you how many skills you’re trained in and what skills you can choose.

5. Select Feat

a. You select one feat.
b. If you’re human, you have an additional feat, so you start with two feats.

6. Choose Powers

a. Choose two at-will attack powers from the list in your class description.
b. Select one power from the list of 1st-level encounter attack powers in your class description.
c. Choose one power from the list of 1st-level daily attack powers in your class description.

7. Choose Equipment

You begin your career with 100 gold pieces, enough to equip yourself with basic gear (and maybe have a few coins left over).

8. Fill in the Numbers

The calculations you need are described on page 30 of the PHB in the instructions on completing your character sheet.

9. Role-playing Character Details

Flesh out your character with details about your personality, appearance and beliefs.